What is this all about?
Mylifemylist.com is about organizing your thoughts on things you might want to do in your lifetime. We are not big fans of calling it a “Bucket List” because we think you should have Ambitions early and often. This site helps you organize your thoughts and dreams into items you can “Check off your list.” We offer assistance by Ambassadors and a way to gain information from other Members. You can try it for free. Go ahead, and let us know what you think on the Testimonials Page or email us at feedback@ml2mail.com.

Can you tell me my password again?
Sorry, we do not have access to your password. Please click “Forgot Password” on the sign in page. By the way, ML2 Team Member will ever ask for your password.

Why do you call it ML2?
It rolls off the tongue…ML2…MyLifeMyList, See them the Ms and Ls? ML2 started as MLSquared and ML². In the end, we just liked ML2 best.

Can I stop the emails and text messages ML2 sends me?
Of Course, Just go to the Privacy Settings and adjust your communication preferences.

What does this cost?
The Ambition Free Membership is just that, FREE. You may list five Ambitions and share that list. Upgrades toyour Membership will add additional services and options.
